
22.03.2018Regional Pedagogical Forum was held in the village of Manole

Regional Forum on "Innovative Practices for Intercultural Cooperation between Educational Stakeholders" was held at Vasil Levski Secondary School in the village of Manole, Plovdiv district. More than 130 teachers from seven municipalities coming from three districts across the country took part in the forum, presenting their practical experience of introducing intercultural education and child retention at school.

Organizers of the event were eleven schools, united by the Center for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance "Amalipe" under the project "Every student will be a winner-2" in partnership with the Pedagogical Faculty of the Plovdiv University Paisii Hilendarski and under the patronage of the Mayor of the Municipality of Maritza.

All regional pedagogical coordinators, as well as the whole pedagogical team of Amalipe Center, were among the guests. In his speech, Deyan Kolev, the chairman of the organization, stressed that the schools, included in "Every student will be a winner" network, have gone a long way towards introducing intercultural education and keeping children in classrooms. "When we started our work together 10-15 years ago, schools did not provide any information about Roma, most teachers did not even recognize the group their children belonged to, and the main task was more children to complete primary education. Today, thanks to the devoted efforts of the teachers in these schools, drop - out is basically almost eliminated and our efforts are directed towards successful completion of secondary education! ", Kolev stressed. He added that sharing a successful practical experience among teachers was the most useful training and the forum presented that idea. "It is significant that the event is organized by the schools themselves and I would like to give my greetings to Krassimira Blagoeva, principal of the school in the village of Karadjovo, who was fully involved in the organization of the event, as well as to Penka Zaprianova, principal of the Manole school, which has accepted to be our host! ", added the chairman of Amalipe.

The schools participating in the forum presented 11 good practices on introducing intercultural education, engaging parents and activating students.

The FinanceGO: Training educators to Financial Literacy Courses for young adults at risk project was presented during the forum. Financial education is of great importance, and it should be taught in early school age. We need more tecahers to become experts in teaching financial literacy in the most appropriate way, depending on the specifics of students, said Teodora Krumova, program manager of Amalipe Center.

More about the event and photos see here.

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