
11.10.2010Children, parents and teachers in gourmet race for most delicious meal

At the end of one raining week, on October 8, Maria Balkandjieva and Tanja Vanova (representatives of Center Amalipe) visited Primary school “Georgi Rakovski” in village of Goliamo novo, municipality Targovishte. Gourmet race between children and parents was the unusual occasion for this visit. The culinary subject was provoked by their recently published culinary book “Cooked by Mama”, prepared by the students enrolled in Roma folklore group within the school. The book contained Roma, Bulgarian and Turkish recipes. Main merit for this had the teacher Slavka Georgieva,  who gathered, with children and parents, traditionally recipes from this village, which were part of every single day of three ethnic groups, living there. From the great content of the book we can choose recipes for Bulgarian, Roma, and Turkish kitchen, tested by the centuries past. 


To announce the book, students, teachers and parents from Georgi Rakovski School organized celebration “Tasty, easy and interesting”.  It was attended by more than 50 students and their parents, who helped to collect the tasty recipes for this book. Divided into two teams they competed not only in preparing more delicious and more esthetic meal but also in answering of many interesting question, related to healthy feeding. That is why the celebration was not only interesting but became also useful for the visitors. In the end of gourmet race, jury voted the first place to students who prepared colorful, autumn meals. Price for first place was one package salt, because salt is the important part of our life.




We went with the promise that this practice will continue and will engage all pilot schools, that are part from the program “Decreasing the drop out rate of Roma students” of Center Amalipe. In region of Targovishte 6 schools are included in the program and we expect a lot of original celebrations and events they will present to us.

Such events are not only exciting for all the participants but they are also very useful for the entire environment of the school. Trough them, children ant parents can feel that school is theirs, that it keeps traditions and customs of all the ethnoi. With fun and laugher everything stays on it right place: the students are in the classrooms, the beans is bobbling on the stove, parents and teachers have Turkish coffee during parental meeting…


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