
15.03.2011Establishing local community clubs and Pavlikeni and Veliko Turnovo


With great enthusiasm and willingness to work the activists from the local clubs of Center Amalipe in Pavlikeni and Veliko Turnovo joined the first initiatives organized by themselves. In Balvan twenty-five young people and parents for three days turned a destroyed and abandoned room into a friendly and welcoming place which the local action group has proudly called "our club". The young people have long dreamed to have their own place to meet and discuss their problems. The women from the village were also happy to join their children; the most active of them cleaned, painted and provided curtains for the club while the men repaired the doors, windows, tables and chairs. All the members of the group are very proud of the achievements and as already mobilized power, they responded spontaneously to the national appeal "Let's clean Bulgaria for one day" and armed with bags, brooms and shovels cleaned their village. The Mayor undertook the task to take of the garbage and to put containers where there have never been any.

Joining the national cleaning campaign marked also the beginning of the activities of local clubs in the municipality of Pavlikeni: in Batak, Varbovka and Stambolovo the local activists cleaned the villages, made many pictures together, celebrated the results with sweets and soft drinks and impatiently argued what they could do together next time.

In Batak for example, some young people have engaged in the renovation of the stadium to organize traditional annual football game between married and single men on the Easter eve. The young people themselves cut the grass of the stadium and outlined its contours with lime. They dream one day to have a real football equipments and networks on the football doors. They dream also to have their own youth clubs.

The women from Balvan in turn have already organized a timetable when each group could have its meetings in the club. The women have a lot of work in the eve of Easter, because together with local children and children from the local orphanage they will paint eggs and there will be competition for the most beautifully painted egg.

At the same time. the women in Varbovka organized together with the young girls from the village presentation of the feast Lazaruvane. Since it is a women custom, the boys in turn will organize a football game. Forthcoming are the first initiatives of the local activists in Vodoley, Debelets and Malki Chiflik.

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