
18.11.2011Joint training of volunteers in HIV/AIDS prevention was held near Gabrovo


Here we are! Volunteers from Veliko Turnovo and Gabrovo rapidly move forward again. United around the idea to organize training together out of town, nearly 30 volunteers of youth clubs, working on HIV / AIDS prevention and risky sexual behavior were able to work together in a new direction. The training took place on 15th and 16th of November, 2011 in the vacation place “Edelweiss”, which is located 20 km. away from the town of Gabrovo in Uzana area. There were a total of eight sessions that were allocated respectively to each of the four working days. We started the training, as we arrived at the hotel. Quickly everyone introduced himself, discussed the most important rules that make our stay there more pleasant and fruitful, and we started to work.
Theme of the training was working in the field and outreach. The willingness of volunteers to learn more about the principles of outreach and how to be good collaborators in the field made them ask number of questions their trainers. Most interesting to the participants were the methods of avoiding conflict that occurs in the field.

All volunteers actively took part and showed that they have incredible potential. Trainers gladly worked with the group and were able to give valuable advice on how to work effectively and safely of course.

Training, as expected, has not been without its sweet dose of fun. The evening passed in games, dancing and wonderful emotions. Volunteers from the two cities cooperated and formed a great team that can work productively as well as to have fun efficiently!

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