
11.01.2015In Europe, #NousSommesTousFrançais, #NousSommesTousJuifs, #NousSommesTousCharlie !

Center Amalipe supports the reaction of the European democratic society towards the terrorist attack against the freedom of speech which happened on January 7th, 2015 in Paris. Here is the Declaration of the European Grassroot Anti-racist Movement and SOS Racisme supported also by Center Amalipe   In Europe, #NousSommesTousFrançais, #NousSommesTousJuifs, #NousSommesTousCharlie ! Those who were killed in Paris were like us: Some were simple citizens who were killed because they were Jewish. Others were fighting for the liberty of expression. They were anti-racist...

09.01.2015A Letter of Support to the French Embassy and the French People

In a letter to H.E. the Ambassador of the Republic of France to Bulgaria, Center Amalipe expressed its condolences for the victims of the terrorist attack from January 7th and its support to all French people and all European citizens for the freedom of speech, the democratic values and peace.   You can read the letter here.

15.12.2014The first sitting of the Monitoring Committee for the HRD OP was held

The first sitting of the Monitoring Committee for the HRD OP was held    The first session of Monitoring Committee for the OP “Human Resources Development” was held on 12th of December in Sandanski. It was presided at the deputy minister of labor and social policy Zornitsa Roussinova. The sitting was also attended by Aurelio Secilio, head of the unit “Romania, Bulgaria, Malta”, Kiril Kiryakov, Ventsislav Petrov and Dora Krumova from “Employment, social issues and inclusion” in the Eropean Commsission, deputy minister of labor Lazar...

11.12.2014Minster Moskov and representatives of Roma organizations and initiative groups discussed the ethnic tension and concrete measures for facilitating the work of the emergency units

 As a response to the extreme reaction of non-governmental organizations and activists to the statements of the Minister of health regarding the emergency medical care in Roma neighborhoods, a meeting between the political cabinet of the Ministry and Roma organizations was organized. Participants in the meeting were the Minister Petar Moskov and the Deputy Ministers Vanio Sharkov and Adam Persensky as well as representatives of organizations working on Roma integrations, Roma activists and initiative groups. Teodora Krumova for Center Amalipe and Gancho Iliev for World...

10.12.2014Representatives of 65 non-governmental organzations and volunteer groups supported the Declaration regarding the statement of the Bulgarian Minister of Health

Signals received, that emergency teams already reject calls from several Roma neighborhoods!   Only for a day representatives of 65 non-governmental organizations, schools, parents clubs, local clubs, centers for community development and experts autographically signed a Declaration, condemned the statements of the Bulgarian Minister of Health Petar Moskov on 7th of December. Among the supporting organizations there are Center for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance “Amalipe”, Association “World Without Borders”, Association “New way”...
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