09.07.2019Events for sharing results of the Springboard to school research project
Nearly 68% of Roma children attend kindergarten and other forms of pre-school education, but this is still significantly lower than the average for the country. One third of the children from vulnerable groups do not participate in any form of pre-school education, which prevents their socialization and easy integration into school. The abolition of kindergarten fees leads to an almost immediate positive change: half of the non-attendant Roma children are enrolled and the attendance increases by over one fifth. This was confirmed by the results of the Springboard to School research...
01.07.2019Children are the protagonists in the educational system
From 16 to 21th of June, in the town of Leiden, Netherlands was held the World conference of the International organization “Step by step” (ISSA). It was dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the organization and more than 400 participants from 60 different countries participated – experts in the field of early child development. Some of them were Unicef, Open society, Central European University and more.
Silvia Stancheva represented Center Amalipe and participated in the conference as a trainer in the “Together in colourful world” program,...
01.07.2019Final conference of the Health and Education for All program was held in Sofia.
The final national conference of the Bulgarian-Swiss Development Program "Health and Education for All" (HEA) gathered hundreds of participants in the project - leaders, municipal officials, mediators, beneficiaries and guests in the Vitosha hotel on 25 June 2019. Representative of CIEDT "Amalipe" was Valeri Lekov - regional coordinator.
The efforts of the HEA program are targeted towards children and young families from vulnerable groups, living in poverty in closed communities in six Bulgarian cities – Plovdid, Ruse, Burgas, Montana, Sliven and Shumen. From Bulgarian...
18.06.2019Assistance to municipalities to implement educational desegregation activities National Program
Municipalities with urban schools and / or kindergartens with a predominant percentage of Roma students, which have developed municipal desegregation policy, ie. to bring the Roma students to host schools with majority of non -Roma students, will be able to receive financial support from the MES for that process. This will be done within the framework of the National Program "Assistance to Municipalities for Implementation of Educational Desegregation Activities", which is open for application by the end of June. What could be funded within this program and how to apply?
17.06.2019From Hate Speech to Happy Speech: the faces of successful Roma during the Open Heart Children Roma Festival
“From Hate Speech to Happy Speech” was the title of the exhibition organized as one of the side events during the 16th edition of the Open Heart Children Roma Festival organized by Center Amalipe on 7th and 8th June 2019. The exhibition has been placed on the main street of Veliko Tarnovo in front of Veliko Turnovo Municipality from 7th to 14th June 2019. The photos have been made by Radostina Petkova and Raycho Chaprazov. They show the purity of the children`s emotions and the stories of successful Roma – teachers, doctors, laboratory technicians, directors...