
31.03.2020For the purposes of Selanovskoto school in extraordinary conditions.

When years ago we had to develop the School Development Strategy, the team of the NU Vaptsarov Primary School in the village of Selanovtsi did not accept the task formally. Today, in a time of "extraordinary", we understand how much work has been worth. We analyzed the environment, potential, deficits, needs. But most importantly, we have clarified the big goal - every child, with the help of teachers and family today, develops their individual abilities and sense of responsibility to become a successful adult tomorrow! It may sound tempting, but we set out to accomplish the...

31.03.2020Implementation of 'Socio-economic integration' projects in a state of emergency

Beneficiary municipalities under the integrated procedure BG05M9OP001-2.018 'Socio-economic integration of vulnerable groups. Integrated Measures to Improve Access to Education '- Component 1 should not suspend the implementation of contracts in a state of emergency but, on the contrary, continue their activities by reorganizing them to meet the current needs of local communities and meeting all requirements under the orders. of the Minister of Health and the Emergency Act. This is especially true of the work of mediators. If necessary, the municipalities may also request the...

31.03.2020Upcoming: Meeting of the Minister of Education Krasimir Valchev with Roma teachers

Again this year, the Amalipe Center will observe the tradition of organizing a meeting of teachers, students of pedagogy and educational mediators of Roma origin with the Minister of Education on the occasion of the International Roma Day on 8 April. Due to the state of emergency, the meeting will be online. It will be held on April 8 from 11am The Amalipe Center has organized meetings of Roma teachers with the Minister of Education together with Assistant Professor Dr. Yosif Nunev since 2013. The Minister of Education, directors of directorates and the director of the Center...

29.03.2020Operational Programmes between Real Needs and Indecisiveness: Look at the New Programming Period

The main reason for writing this text is the reluctance with which the managing authorities / governing bodies of the main operational programmes in Bulgaria relate to the inclusion of the Roma integration theme, despite the obvious need, the desire of the main stakeholders (including civil society, schools, kindergartens, etc.), and the clear guidance in this regard by the European Commission (which, in practice, is the major donor here). I have observed this reluctance since 2006, when the first operational programmes were developed, and it has continued, albeit to a much...

27.03.2020Educational mediators continue to work on the field

Educational mediators continue to be at the first lineto support the children and families in need. They remain on the front line to support anyone who needs them. Many educational mediators have families and children who worry about them, although educational mediators are already equipped with the necessary precautions. We want to share with you some examples we have received from our fellow educational mediators at the Amalipe Center. Educational mediator Temenuzhka Milenova that runs to the center "Amalipe" but work and a place in the United school "Hristo Botev" village...
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