01.06.2009The Sixth Children Roma Festival gathered more than 1000 children in Veliko Turnovo
Center Amalipe organized the sixth already traditional edition of the Children Roma Festival “Open Heart” which took place on May 30 and 31, 2009 in Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria. The Festival was organized with the support of Veliko Turnovo Municipalityкоето and more than 1000 children took part in it. This year the event was realized also with the support of Human Dynamics: within the Phare project ‘Improving the condition andintegration of vulnerable minority groups with special focus on Roma’ the first planner of extra-curriculum activities directed...
29.05.2009Roma organizations will take part in the Monitoring Committee of Operational Program “Competitiveness”
Deyan Kolev (Chairman of Center “Amalipe”) will be observer in the Monitoring Committee of Operational Program “Competitiveness of Bulgarian economics” from the group of NGOs working for equal opportunities. This became clear after the end of the procedure for electing observers from four groups of NGOs working in the fields of: sustainable development, equal opportunities, competitiveness, and other issues. The procedure was organized by the Ministry of Economics.
The organizations that work in the field of equal opportunities...
17.05.2009Statement of Roma NGOs about the draft Framework Program for Roma Integration proposed by Ministry of Labour
Center Amalipe and 20 more Roma NGOs submitted statement about the draft for new Framework Program for Roma Integration proposed by Ministry of Labour and Social Policy within the so-called “co-coordinating procedure of act prepared by the Council of Ministers”. The Statement supports the draft and requires important changes within it. The organizations also propose the new Program to be approved with higher normative status (Decree of the Council of Ministers) as well as financing for the Program implementation to be provided since 2010.
The Statement could...
30.04.2009Session of the Monitoring Committee of Human Resources Development Operational Program
The first for 2009 session of the Monitoring Committee of Human Resources Development Operational Program (HRD OP) took place of April 27 and 28 in Plovdiv. Dimitar Dimitrov, Deputy Minister on Labour and Social Policy, chaired it. Representatives of DG “Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities” of the European Commission (Filip Bush, Resa Koleva and Bistra Valchanova), representatives of more than 40 Bulgarian institutions, social partners and observers from NGOs took part in the session. Roma NGOs were represented by Deyan Kolev (observer elected...
21.04.2009PLATFORM project was presented in Central North Region of Bulgaria
More than 40 people – representatives of municipal administrations and NGOs – took part in presentations of PLATFORM project in Central North Region of Bulgaria. They took place in the District Hall of Veliko Turnovo on April 9 and in Riga Hotel of Russe on April 10. Opportunities for free technical assistance in preparing projects for Roma integration provided within PLATFORM project were presented before all participants. Initial consultations for developing project ideas were also provided.
Both presentations were organized by Center Amalipe (partner of Open...