26.09.2018Meeting of the Minister of Education with school principals from Sliven district
Appointing educational mediators is a very useful practice that Sliven has proved successful. It should be expanded with the funds the budget allocates to work with children and students from vulnerable groups. Schools can also transfer those funds to NGOs working in the community. The Ministry of Education and Science (MES) agrees with the request that such funds should be made available to high school students as well from 2019.
These were some of the main messages of the Minister of Education and Science Krasimir Valchev from his meeting with school and kindergarten...
19.09.2018The new academic year: hopes and challenges facing schools
The Ombudsman of the Republic of Bulgaria Ms. Maya Manolova, the Ambassador of Denmark to Bulgaria H.E.Soren Jacobson, British Ambassador H.E. Emma Hopkins, Embassy Diplomats of the United States and Norway (Bucharest), MES Secretary-General Albena Mihailova, Director of CEICSM Ms. Manuela Radeva, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Policy Ms. Zornitsa Rusinova, representatives of the Trust for social achieevement, experts and other guests attended the celebrations on the occasion of the beginning of the academic year 2018/19 in schools from the Amalipe Center network, participating...
28.08.2018Free transportation for high school students
In our daily work Amalipe Center often receives reports concerning problems with free transportation of high school students, who live in small settlements and need to travel to the near towns, where they study. In which cases does the state budget allocate free transportation to secondary school students and how can students benefit from it?
Article 283, para. 2 of the Preschool and School Education Act stipulates that "students from settlements where there is no kindergarten or school should receive funds from the state budget for transport to the nearest kindergarten or...
22.08.2018Additional means to those working with children and students from vulnerable groups: how to use them?
In 2018, for the first time, the Ministry of Education allocated nearly BGN 25 million for schools and kindergartens to work with children and students from vulnerable groups. The budget forecast shows a promise that this commitment will continue in the coming years. The funds have already been received in the accounts of the municipalities, and from there - transferred to schools and kindergartens. How are they determined and what can be used for?
The allocation of additional resources to work with children and students from vulnerable groups is regulated in Art. 52...
22.08.2018The scholars of the "Equal Chance" Program finish the academic year with very good success
105 young people from all over the country, were supported by the Amalipe Center for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance during the academic year 2017-2018 in completing their secondary education, by providing them textbooks, and covering their transport costs. It is a long-term program, which started in 2011, and is funded by the Trust for Social Achievement Foundation.
Scholars are from poor families, live in villages and small towns and study in secondary and vocational schools in big towns. To keep youths at school, Amalipe Center helps them not only by covering transport...