Programs / Roma Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) appeared to be an effective public awareness and advocacy tool for the rights of vulnerable groups. To fulfill its tasks M&E should be based on a participatory approach in order to guarantee that the point of view of the vulnerable groups is the leading one. In addition it should be combined with high expertise and professional way of implementation in order to achieve accurate and reliable results.
Since 2005 Center Amalipe has built a system for Roma monitoring and evaluation of policies for Roma integration. The major aims of the Roma monitoring are:

·    To permanently inform the Roma community, Bulgarian and international institutions and society for policies and activities regarding Roma in Bulgaria: their impact on the situation of Roma and the way they are perceived by the Roma community itself;
·    To prepare analyzes and assessments of significant governmental initiatives directed to Roma integration (the implementation of the Framework program for equal integration of Roma into Bulgarian society, the Decade Action Plan and so on)
·    To be a partner and at the same time to monitor the activities of the institutions directed to Roma inclusion
·    To stimulate the interaction among the Roma organizations and communities from different parts of the country


The system for Roma monitoring and evaluation is comprised of a Monitoring committee and local organizations/ experts. They collect monthly information for their communities on all the activities and initiatives in the major fields of interest. The aim of this structure is to follow the implementation of the national policies at the local level: to what extent they are applied and what their effect is.
On the basis of the information collected Center Amalipe and the experts it works with prepare an annual report on the policies for Roma integration.


The Roma monitoring covers the following fields: education, employment/ social issues, living conditions, health, gender issues, Roma participations.


-    Publishing monitoring and evaluation reports: Center “Amalipe” has developed expertise both in publishing annual reports about the advance of the entire Roma integration policy as well as in publishing special reports about the implementation of particular project or aspect of Roma integration policy. These reports raise public interest and have strong outcomes. For example, one of them provoked numerous publications in national media and caused the investigation of the case it monitored in the Parliamentary Commission against Corruption. Another report was presented in the European Parliament.
Up to the moment the following reports have been published:
·    Kolev, D., Krumova, T., Zahariev, B. Evaluation Report for the Implementation of Phare BG 0104.0”, 2006
·    Center Amalipe, Hot Line Agency. The Roma strategies in Bulgaria in the Eve of EU Accession, 2006
·    Center Amalipe. Annual report about the implementation of the policies for Roma integration in Bulgaria. 2007
-   Publishing monthly newsletter: a special section “Observer” is dedicated for M&E news in Amalipe monthly newsletter. Another section “Focus of the issue” provides analysis for the most important M&E news in the Newsletter. Since Amalipe electronic newsletter is received by all key-factors engaged with Roma integration the M&E news and analysis published in it usually provoke changes among the decision-makers;
-    Publishing M&E analysis in national media: this proved to be extremely important tool since the national media (especially several electronic media) have broad and diverse audience. Owing to this the materials published there reach thousands of people and form public opinion.

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